smalam ak kuar g pc fair kt klcc,abis ushar2 brg2 kt sne,
im otw g tgk flem plk,igt nk tgk twilight,p mber2 da tgk da smer,so
ikt majoriti trpksa la choose another film,huhuu..
so we dcided nk tgk ninja,hehee..
dis film brkisarkn psl,Raizor(Rain)yg dlatih sjk dri kecik tk jd ninja assassin aka ninja pembunuh oleh Ozunu Clan.slps bsar he get haunted by the merciless execution of his friend by the Clan n now die mlarikan dri n tngu msa to exact his revenge.
in Berlin,ada minah negro nie (ak tgk cm mka MJ pn de minah nie,hee)Mika mrupakan Europol agent yg sdg siasat sal several political murders yg brkait dgn ninja2 nie..
bermula dri cni,she bcome a target n get 2 know Raizor cbab Raizor save her n after dat, mreka be a team..meanwhile Ozunu Clan sends a team of ninja to kill both of them n brlakula maen2 pedang sesama ninja,huhuuu..
my opinion bout dis movie...
first bfore nk watch dis movie,ak expected a bit more out from dis movie,but de truth is everything in Ninja Assassin is over-amped,hahaaa...
All the bloody splatting and fast editing mke my eye sick,huhuu..
The CGI was worse than the new Final Destination,n it editing so horrible,
byk sgt die gna fake blood, Somehow it made me laugh 2 watch how overly dramatic some scenes were on dis movie..
smemangnya ak rse a liltle bit bored n myb will regret 2 spend money 4 dis move (but lucky me,it was a treat,hahaa)
but if u just want ur mind to be engaged by interesting fighting scenes n want 2 see a red blood everywhere, then dis movie really suit 4 ur guys....
so njoy 2 watch dis movie..
Al Quds Travel Welcome You :-
Date : 10,11,12 December 2009
Time : 10.30 am - 10.00 pm
Venue : Ruang Legar KB Mall K.Bharu
Organizer : Al Quds Travel Sdn Bhd
Official Radio : THR Gegar FM
Tel No : 609-747 9999
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baru nk g tgk movie nie,da tawar ati da,huhuu.
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